Monthly Archives: May 2012

May 15, 2012 – Glenn And The Boys Get Big Ahis and Ono!

Glenn, Dexter and Travis from Oahu flew over with their family for some R&R and a day of fishing with me.  Since we did so well on the spearfish yesterday, we decided to head out into the deep and try … Continue reading

Posted in Fishing Kona, Kona Fishing Report, Uncategorized |

May 14, 2012 – Todd and Teresa 3 for 4 on Spearfish!

Todd and his wife Teresa joined me for a full day on the Lepika.  The short nose spearfish have shown up in pretty good numbers lately so that was our target species today.  It seems like every boat out has … Continue reading

Posted in Fishing Kona, Kona Fishing Report, Uncategorized |

May 11, 2012 – More Big Ahi and Spearfish!

Yesterday, we had some unseasonably stormy weather but today started out without a cloud in the sky and flat water.  Mike and his wife Alyssa joined me for a 3/4 day charter.  Since we had some nice spearfish bites the … Continue reading

Posted in Fishing Kona, Kona Fishing Report, Uncategorized |

May 9-10, 2012 – Jeff and Rick Catch Ahi!

Jeff, Rick and their wives Carol and Jennifer, joined me for another day fishing Kona.  A few days ago, Jeff and Jennifer fished with me and we caught a nice ahi in the porpoise so today we decided to target … Continue reading

Posted in Fishing Kona, Kona Fishing Report, Uncategorized |

May 4, 2012 – Fishing Kona Yields Big Ahi!

Jeff and Jennifer from Oregon joined me today for some deep sea Kona fishing.  The last few days I’ve caught a few ahi in some really nice porpoise schools far south of the harbor so we decided to leave the dock … Continue reading

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